Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Root of the Problem... my first UTI

At this point in my life I'd never had a UTI, or at least not known of it. After Lydia was born my catheter was kept in until after my transfer, so somewhere around 18 hours. I didn't have a bit of pain, just the lovely puking my guts up part. We got to the Emergency Room around 6:30am on November 23rd and we were there until around noon that day. I had to have a chest x-ray and oodles of blood work, fluids, and anti nausea meds.

We were exhausted

My Bell's Palsy was at it's height 

Our BabyCake

Lydia was up on the fourth floor, but the Emergency Room was so disgusting that we just didn't want to risk transferring any germs to her. So we left the hospital, without seeing her, and went home. We showered, slept for forty-five minutes and then were back on the road to my ob/gyn office so that I could get my staples removed.

After the ob/gyn appointment we drove over to the hospital where Lydia was to visit. We were absolutely exhausted. Neither of us had ever felt so much like collapsing as we did that evening. We ate dinner, I pumped, and we went to bed.

That night was rough, I slept through several pumping sessions and was very engorged the next morning.

Lydia was now five days old.
We hadn't held her.
 I hadn't breastfed her.
We hadn't heard her cry yet.

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